Sandra Rose 
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akkanydy Yes, it's very, very difficult to find any difference - initially all of traditional ornaments seem to be "identical"  :( For me, forever it will be difficult to find a difference in the tissue between the Russian currant and Ukrainian grapes - is how to divide the Siamese twins. But if the book is about the Urals, we have nothing to doing! *WRITE*
akkanydy Please, take a closer look at the patterns - there is no one pattern with typical Ukrainian motifs. The book itself is translated, probably something like this: "The folk art of the Urals. Traditional decoration. Textiles." Sorry for my terrible English  :)
akkanydy In this book, just given the distinctive features of the Ural ornamental culture, traditions that are different from those in Central Russia and "Russian North"  :) what can we say about Ukraine - it is very, very big difference in the patterns, even colossal  :)
akkanydy URAL - it's a especially area of Russia, which is the official geographic division between Europe and Asia - from there to get to Ukraine would have over a third part of Russia )
akkanydy This is tha folk art of URAL.  :)
akkanydy Thank you so much! It's really a lovely book. But it's not Ukrainian patterns, not at all!
Dora2012 Another lovely book!
Dora Papasolomontos-Cheatham27.12.2012
dem1956 Спасибо за замечательные альбомы! Буду очень признательна за возможность ознакомиться с альбомом "Сокровища русского орнамента".
Елена Дубровская28.11.2012
konstantina Beautiful collection!
Konstantina Konstantina12.11.2012
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